Log-book - Wednesday Juli 9
Via satellite...


Report 12.30 am (local time) - Only two hours from the summit!
Report 3.30 pm (local time) - Johan and Magnus have reached the summit!

Stefan Blomberg from BC: Only two hours from the summit!

Report 12.30 am (local time):

"Johan and Magnus are now only two hours from the summit of Hidden Peak, apx. 7800 m. They are extremely tired, but will probably be able to make it up to the top. They started at 6.00 am this morning and are expected to reach the top at about 2.00 pm (local time). Currently the weather is perfect for them to reach the summit, and the expected bad weather is fortunately delayed.

The climb back down to C3 will only take half of the time that it took to climb up. That means that the guys should be at C3 (7 000m) around 6.00 pm, from there they will climb directly down to C2 (6 300m). If all goes as planned they should be back at C2 by 8.00 pm tonight.

Here in the basecamp we have direct contact with SMHI to try to recieve as accurate prognosis as possible.

Florin is recovering just fine - he is now drinking abd eating as usual. He will not be staying in the basecamp as long as the others. Florin will begin to hike back tomorrow and he will not hike over the higher passage way. He will meet up with us in Skardu.

Tomorrow only I (Stefan) and the LO- officer will be in the basecamp. Here we will wait for the guys to return from the mountain. 7/18 we will begin the hike back towards Askole. We will probably return as planned."

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Report: 3.30 pm (local time)

Johan and Magnus have reached the top of Hidden Peak!

At 12.13 am (Swedish time) Johan Åkerstrom and Magnus Rydén reached the summit of Hidden Peak, 8068 meters above sea level.

Via radio contact down to the basecamp:

Magnus was the first to reach the top, there he waited for Johan and together they climbed to the absolute peak. Both are extremely tired and out of breath, yet both are feeling very good under the circumstances. In this oxygen depleated area they had a fantastic view of K2 and Gasherbrum II.

Johan and Magnus are therefore the first Scandinavians to climb the mountain !

We congradulate them!

Johan Åkerström

Magnus Rydén

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